MVC Lyft Programs

Lyft and GW logos


The George Washington University has partnered with Lyft rideshare service to offer Mount Vernon Campus students with reliable late-night transportation and trips to Safeway.

Late night Lyft is available from midnight to 7 a.m. between the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses. This free service provides Mount Vernon Campus students who are 18 and over with up to 30 Lyft rides per month to help them with their late-night commute between campuses.

The Basics: How GW’s Late Night Lyft Program for Mount Vernon Students Works

Who is eligible? 

  • Students living on the Mount Vernon campus during the academic year.
  • Students must be at least 18-years-old to request/order a ride.
  • This service is not available to students living on Foggy Bottom who want to visit Mount Vernon Campus.

What does this program offer? 

  • GW-Lyft is a free, reliable late-night transportation option between the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses Mount Vernon residents can use between midnight and 7 a.m.
  • Rides between campuses are for standard Lyft rides only, not to be used with Lyft XL.  
  • Eligible students who sign-up to participate in the program receive a pre-loaded set of 30 ride vouchers to their app on the first day of each month during the semester. A voucher is good for a one-way trip between Mount Vernon to Foggy Bottom or vice-versa.
  • Each voucher covers up to $30 per trip. Students are responsible for any charge above that amount. Students are also encouraged to tip their drivers for all rides. However, tips will not be covered by GW. Tips are paid by each individual rider using the credit card used as part of the registration process.
  • Remaining rides do not roll-over from month to month.
  • Vouchers cannot be transferred or passed along to another GW student.

When can I use this service? 

  • GW-Lyft rideshare is available midnight - 7 a.m. daily during the academic year.
  • GW-Lyft will operate during Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break.
  • Up to three students can share a ride using one voucher.

Is there a specific location on the Mount Vernon and Foggy Bottom campus to go for my Lyft pick-up? 

Rides must start or end within one of these designated pick-up and drop-off locations:  

Foggy Bottom Locations
  • Tompkins Hall Front Entrance - 725 23rd St NW
  • Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro Station entrance - 2301 I Street, NW  
  • University Student Center - corner of 21st & H Street, NW 
  • Elliott School Building front entrance - 1957 E St, NW
  • Flagg Building/Corcoran School - corner of 17th & E Street, NW
Lyft drop off locations on Foggy Bottom campus
Mount Vernon Campus Locations
  • Mount Vernon Campus entrance on Whitehaven Parkway
  • Upper & Lower Quad Campus Drive
Mount Vernon campus Lyft locations

How to Sign-Up

The GW-Lyft rideshare program is available only to students who live on the Mount Vernon campus during the 2022-2023 academic year.  

At the beginning of the semester, eligible students will receive an email invitation from “Lyft Business” with instructions on how to sign-up and activate their monthly set of vouchers. 

If you are a student who is living on the Mount Vernon campus and you did not receive an invitation by the second week of classes, please email [email protected] to request your invitation be re-sent.


Tips For Riding Smart with Lyft: 

  • Verify your ride by making sure the license plate number, driver information, and car make and model match what you see in the app.
  • Ask the driver to say who they are picking up. If they don’t say your name, don’t get into the car. 
  • Share your location and route with a friend or loved one from within the Lyft app so they can follow your ride in real-time. Learn how to set this up in your app. 
  • Follow the Lyft vehicle on GPS via the app.
  • Ride share with your friends. Up to three students can ride together using one voucher.
  • Use Lyft’s in-app emergency assistance tools
  • Learn more about how to ride smart with Lyft.


Lyft’s Health Safety Program

In response to COVID-19, Lyft launched a Health Safety Program, which includes:

  • Personal health certification for drivers and riders
  • Required face masks for drivers and riders
  • Health safety education for drivers and riders
  • Distribution of cleaning supplies and masks for drivers
  • Read more about the program on the Lyft website.


Lyft Accessibility Guidelines

Drivers are required by law and Lyft’s policy to transport riders who use foldable mobility devices. Drivers are required to assist riders in the storage of their mobility devices, unless physically unable to do so.

Mobility devices include the following:

  • Foldable wheelchair
  • Foldable walker
  • Foldable scooter
  • Canes, crutches and other smaller assistive device
  • You can read more about this on the Lyft website


Additional Program Information

  • If you request a ride that doesn’t meet the criteria (ie: request a Lyft XL instead of Standard Lyft or request a pick-up at a non-designated spot), the GW issued ride voucher cannot be used and will not be shown on your ride confirmation screen. You will pay out of pocket.
  • Prices may be impacted by distance, traffic, time of day, special events, and prime time surge charges.